The BBM Group operates in a sensitive environment requiring us to act responsibly in anything we do. Aware of this responsibility, we have set the highest Quality and Safety Standards.
They apply to our employees, as well as to the way we treat the Environment. The protection and conservation of resources is an essential element of planning and executing our projects. Sustainable thinking is not an empty phrase at BBM but a natural element of our operations.
The Roadmap for Our Work: Focused on the Environment
We think and act reliably. Quality, safety and flexibility are at the core of our work. All our projects reflect our commitment to sustainability, environmental protection and resource conservation.
Through our own Environmental Management System we intensify our efforts in effective and sustainable environmental protection.
The core elements are:
The rollout of our Environmental Management System intensifies our efforts in effective and sustainable environmental protection.
All employees incorporate our environmental philosophy in their daily work.
We comply with all environmental laws and regulations and always keep the future in mind in our activities. Waste and pollutants are avoided or minimized.
We capture environmental data (water consumption, waste water, electrical energy, generation of waste) as the basis for saving energy and resources.
In the procurement of materials we consider the environmental impact regarding their use and disposal.
Training and further education in environmental matters promote the environmental awareness of our employees and support the further development of our standards.